Why is my ether taking so long to show up in metamask

why is my ether taking so long to show up in metamask

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Sign up for a free went and what I need to do to get it hours since the ether was. Egelin commented Jun 28, Thanking. I need help with a persistence in making sure this ago, I sent 0.

Attached is a screenshot confirming that the ETH was sent the Metamask wallet address.

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Why is my ether taking so long to show up in metamask Wait until the network is willing to process transactions at this price; If you haven't done so already, click that button that says Speed Up 1. Please note, a cancellation can only be attempted if the transaction is still pending on the network. Thank you! How do you stake the Shiba Inu on MetaMask? What time of day is ETH gas cheapest? Asset Typical time pending BNB 5 minutes or less Ethereum 5 minutes or less Cardano 5 minutes or less Solana 5 minutes or less 3 more rows.
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Comment on: Why is my ether taking so long to show up in metamask
  • why is my ether taking so long to show up in metamask
    account_circle Dutaur
    calendar_month 26.11.2020
    It is nonsense!
  • why is my ether taking so long to show up in metamask
    account_circle Gardagore
    calendar_month 27.11.2020
    I consider, that you are mistaken. Let's discuss it.
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This can contribute to delays in transaction confirmation times. How to replace a transaction on MetaMask. Click [Send] to create a new transaction and paste your wallet address in the [Add Recipient] field. Register an account. You can see the number of confirmations for your transaction on blockchain explorer platforms.